martes, 11 de noviembre de 2014

Overall, I think that I had a very…good year. Among the good things that happened in my life is that I  was chosen to take charge of coordinating the team in which I work  and I consider  this It is very important to my training as a psychologist . Even though  is  a great responsibility I assumed with great confidence in my abilities

 Another good thing is that it was a good year academically. This semester was especially good, with a few exceptions, because I liked almost all my classes, and that lead me to think what specialty I am going to take. Also, I had good grades overall.

 Finally that last good thing is that this year change me home with my family and my mom. She elected sell all the furniture to change the energies and begin  zero. at present we are enjoying our home and that makes me very happy.

 About the things  they did not go so well…I could name the end my relationship with my partner, which lasted about three years, but I would prefer not to talk about it. The other thing is that my cat named Pinina died. I am really sad and I think I will never get past it, because she had been with my since I had memory and was family to me.

 I believe this was a very good year full of learning and achievement that I hope to continue in the future.

Well, I think that’s it, thank. 

the Munchausen’s-by-proxy syndrome

The topic I have chosen talks about the Munchausen’s-by-proxy syndrome. The syndrome is used by the Juridical psychology (in forensic and criminal psychology, by example) in differential diagnosis of legal cases, to determine more accurately the perpetrator of a crime, as well as their motives or circumstances related to it. The paper explains what the basis of the syndrome is: it is when either parent simulates the sickness of child, carrying them to a lot of doctors, doing examinations to them, and in severe cases, causing the death of them. The perpetrator is usually the mother, and even though it gives the impression that she cares about her child, she is more centered on the generated sickness than the child itself. The father usually adopts a distant relationship and is not involved with the treatment of his child.

The doctors knowing nothing of that are troubled with the lack of information about the disease, which leaves them with a closed judgment, and leaving the child with more pressure in the medic ambit. The medical case exposed in the paper refers to a mother who, in her life, had five children, and four of them died of weird circumstances, being related with the separation of her partners. The last daughter, Ester, was going to have the same end, but the medical and psychological team found about the existence of the syndrome, and they could protect her from her mother.

Finally, it ends with a discussion about the risk of the medical team on the moment to attend this type of cases. I think this topic (and in especial, all differential diagnosis in Juridical psychology) is very important given the consequences of the syndrome. Leave your child to die thinking you are doing a good thing (protecting them) is something you couldn’t even think of, labeling as crazy at least, but unfortunately, this kind of things happens. The knowledge of this cases and the opportune reaction could save lives, so I think it is essential to study them, give them reflection, and if you want to be a forensic psychologist, have them in mind every time you do an analysis of a case.

I you want to read the paper, you can dowload it from there:

Thanks for reading!

viernes, 24 de octubre de 2014

How green are you?

I consider  that there is  crucial  factors to build awareness toward the environment and respect, those factors are: education, solidarity toward the enviroment,in the last factor it`s crucial the community`s participation to spread good management practices.

In the same way we need also a big audience of actors, in other words everyone can have crucial rols to build  respect toward the enviroment. The actors are: population, economic-social agents, specialist in varied fields, ONG`s, mass media and politicians.

 personally, I consider myself a relatively green person, because I try to  be concients 
too about the enviroment in my everyday`s activities for example: to throw the trash, to keep clean to be rational in the use of water. But on the other side I do things that would damage te enviroment like smoking, but I`m not a big smoker, I smoke like six cigarretes per day.
I think that a big part of the issue is the parental education, it is relevant that the parents teach their sons to be conscious of the actual conditions of the enviroment.

viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014

Judith Butler

is an American  philosopher well know in the world the who are consider “ different” . And gender theorist whose work has influenced political philosophy, ethics and the fields of feminist, queer and literary theory.
Academically, Butler is well known for her books:” Feminism and the Subversion of Identity” and Bodies That Matter: On the Discursive Limits of "Sex", which question notions of gender and develop her theory of gender performativity.

 this theory now plays a major role in feminist and queer scholarship. she has also actively supported lesbian and gay rights movements and been outspoken on many contemporary political issues.
Butler’s work has been extraordinarily influential in feminist and queer theory, cultural studies, and continental philosophy. Yet her contribution to a range of other disciplines, such as psychoanalysis, literary, film, and performance studies as well as visual arts has also been significant.

Even though she read very complex and is very difficult of understand, I consider it of great interest and relevance of social issues addressed by this author, because they allow us aware of that addresses thematic and that allows us to problematize somehow what is so "normal" , for example the belief that certain gendered behaviors are natural , theme as lesbianism, masculinity. 

viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2014

My future job

Since mi adolescence I wanted to study Psychology, because I consider it a beautiful profession and it is very important for the society and my life. Psychology is one of the most enriching specialties in my opinion. Specifically I like to work with families and couples, because I consider this a very important and very interesting job. 

Everyone is now familiar with the problems that can occur, dynamics in these relationships, sometimes so complex to understand. I consider the job I want to pursue is complex and delicate. That is why is best to do this in an office. I do not think it makes sense a lot of travelling because there is more to do in an office.

There are many positive reasons to study Psychology: it permits understanding of things like critical thinking, since we focus on how to think critically. For understanding relationships and the people, the tools necessary for Psychology is to understand people and their "problems" to be able to help them, so they go through a reflective process about this. These are the reasons why I decided to study Psychology and I’m very happy for this.

My best holidays

Four years ago I had the privilege to travel and know my country, in particular the south. I traveled and met the south of Chile. visit places like Chiloe, Puerto montt, Pucon, Villarrica, Puerto Varas, inter other.
 went  with my two little sister, my mother, my uncle, my grandfather and my father. We departure from Santiago in January, and we travel during all the month.
I did a lot of things, thing I desire all my life and finally I could met. I mounted a horse in a beach, swim in a lake with rain and other things as learn of forests which who had a lot of animals. I went  also a spa resort and drove a motorcycle.
It was a dreamed vacations because the vacations lasted a complete month, because I never knew the south and because I was with all my family, my family are the most important persons for me.

pollution in Santiago, a current problem

Santiago is one of the most contaminated city in latin america, and the worst of the country. The principal reason of that pollution is the high number of vehicles in the city. But another important reason is the geographical situation, is very knowed that santiago was founded in a valley, so the air can not circulate to other places and it accumulate inside the valley. The ozone layer is on of the most important problem in the world, and, Santiago is not the exception.
Contamination the outdoor is the big problematic today in Santiago. the environment has been altered by chemical, physical o reasons biological reasons, long ago. In the actually the wastes are mostly chemical those that alter our air and our quality of life.
Pollution is a problem who is trespassing all the countries and continent, is a world problem. In the actually, there are associations by government for all the world who are fighting against the pollution, because is turned in to a mayor problem, something that can not wait. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) acts as a catalyst, advocate, educator and facilitator to promote the wise use and sustainable development of the global environment.

viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014

Finland, country of endless winter nights and endless summer days

this task is very difficult because there are so many possibilities, but one of the most beautiful places for my is Finland.  I know very little about Finland but when you visit I will enjoy their landscape, clima (even though it is very low temperature). Normally the weather  in Chile is not very cold compared to many other countries although it varies from region to region. So that, the  Finns are generally reserved people, like the other Nordic countries of Norway and Sweden. Finns love nature and tranquility something share but I don'like the exists a sense of melancholy and depression often associated with the Finns, who are reserved with strangers. 
 But, the most insteresting is the quality of the education in this country  because has experience and understanding the important of this and the Social equality that is an important part of Finnish culture, like the culture of the other Nordic countries. Also I like to find his music, art and other thing.