viernes, 24 de octubre de 2014

How green are you?

I consider  that there is  crucial  factors to build awareness toward the environment and respect, those factors are: education, solidarity toward the enviroment,in the last factor it`s crucial the community`s participation to spread good management practices.

In the same way we need also a big audience of actors, in other words everyone can have crucial rols to build  respect toward the enviroment. The actors are: population, economic-social agents, specialist in varied fields, ONG`s, mass media and politicians.

 personally, I consider myself a relatively green person, because I try to  be concients 
too about the enviroment in my everyday`s activities for example: to throw the trash, to keep clean to be rational in the use of water. But on the other side I do things that would damage te enviroment like smoking, but I`m not a big smoker, I smoke like six cigarretes per day.
I think that a big part of the issue is the parental education, it is relevant that the parents teach their sons to be conscious of the actual conditions of the enviroment.

viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014

Judith Butler

is an American  philosopher well know in the world the who are consider “ different” . And gender theorist whose work has influenced political philosophy, ethics and the fields of feminist, queer and literary theory.
Academically, Butler is well known for her books:” Feminism and the Subversion of Identity” and Bodies That Matter: On the Discursive Limits of "Sex", which question notions of gender and develop her theory of gender performativity.

 this theory now plays a major role in feminist and queer scholarship. she has also actively supported lesbian and gay rights movements and been outspoken on many contemporary political issues.
Butler’s work has been extraordinarily influential in feminist and queer theory, cultural studies, and continental philosophy. Yet her contribution to a range of other disciplines, such as psychoanalysis, literary, film, and performance studies as well as visual arts has also been significant.

Even though she read very complex and is very difficult of understand, I consider it of great interest and relevance of social issues addressed by this author, because they allow us aware of that addresses thematic and that allows us to problematize somehow what is so "normal" , for example the belief that certain gendered behaviors are natural , theme as lesbianism, masculinity.