viernes, 24 de octubre de 2014

How green are you?

I consider  that there is  crucial  factors to build awareness toward the environment and respect, those factors are: education, solidarity toward the enviroment,in the last factor it`s crucial the community`s participation to spread good management practices.

In the same way we need also a big audience of actors, in other words everyone can have crucial rols to build  respect toward the enviroment. The actors are: population, economic-social agents, specialist in varied fields, ONG`s, mass media and politicians.

 personally, I consider myself a relatively green person, because I try to  be concients 
too about the enviroment in my everyday`s activities for example: to throw the trash, to keep clean to be rational in the use of water. But on the other side I do things that would damage te enviroment like smoking, but I`m not a big smoker, I smoke like six cigarretes per day.
I think that a big part of the issue is the parental education, it is relevant that the parents teach their sons to be conscious of the actual conditions of the enviroment.

2 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. I do not consider myself a green person, but the environment is very important: D
